Review Materials for the RCFE Administrator Exam


Resources For Continuing Education, Inc. and Michael Goryan taught the RCFE initial administrator’s course for over 20 years, and during that time developed numerous resources to assist students pass the state’s administrator’s exam. These include a complete and up-to-date Title 22 and Health and Safety Code; supplemental materials, called “modules,” to explain the regulations and laws of the state and assist in basic operations of a facility; and sample exams.


Resources For Continuing Education, Inc. and Michael Goryan taught the RCFE initial administrator’s course for over 20 years, and during that time developed numerous resources to assist students pass the state’s administrator’s exam. These include a complete and up-to-date Title 22 and Health and Safety Code; supplemental materials, called “modules,” to explain the regulations and laws of the state and assist in basic operations of a facility; and sample exams.

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